Top 5 Email Marketing Strategies to Drive Engagement

Email Marketing

Finding ways to reach your audience and connect with your customer base is crucial to growing your business. One of the most important and effective marketing opportunities is email marketing. Since email marketing has a potential return on investment of $42 for every $1 spent, investing in email marketing strategy is one of the best decisions you can make for your business.

However, email marketing isn’t always as simple as sending emails and seeing your customer base rapidly grow. Effective email marketing requires various strategies, types of emails, and email marketing tools to connect with your target customers.

Because of the many variables contributing to a proactive email marketing campaign, having actionable tips for improving your email marketing efforts is crucial. This article will outline five essential email marketing tips to help you reach your full potential through simple marketing strategies. Let’s get started!

1. Use Split Testing

Your first idea isn’t always your best idea. Having ways to test different content for the same email campaign can help you determine which of your options is most effective in achieving your marketing goals. Split testing, or A/B testing, is one of the most effective options to enhance email marketing.

Split testing lets you test different email subject lines and content within the same campaign to determine which option performs better with your customer base. Brands that use split testing have a return on investment for email marketing campaigns that is 37% higher than brands that don’t.

Split testing is also helpful because it allows you to determine the best strategies for your future email marketing campaigns. For instance, if you receive more responses with one call to action, you can continue using a version of this CTA in the future.

Some elements you can consider switching between different email variations using split testing include:

  • Email copy

  • Subject lines

  • Links to different blog posts or landing pages

  • Calls to action

  • Email templates

  • The time you send emails

A small adjustment can significantly affect how well your clients respond to your content – meaning you can see higher success rates in your marketing efforts once you’ve tested your email with your target audience.

2. Segment Your Email List

Another way to drive engagement through your email marketing campaigns is segmented emails. You can segment your audience by identifying smaller groups of customers within your larger audience. This allows you to develop personalized and relevant content for your customers.

By offering customers content tailored to their behaviors and interests, you’ll have stronger results based off this understanding. You can segment your audience based on various factors, such as interests, demographics, buying habits, location, jobs, or which customer persona they fit.

When you segment your emails, your campaigns become much more personal and important to your customers. Ultimately reducing their chances of ignoring your marketing messages. Segmented emails lead to a click-through rate that’s 50% greater than unsegmented emails. Meaning segmentation can be the key to your future email marketing success.

3. Use Social Media

Social Media is a necessity

Your instinct might not include social media, but taking advantage of social media is crucial for any successful marketing effort. Social media plays a key role in email marketing in several ways, expanding your reach significantly when used correctly.

Social media allows you to drive signups to your email marketing newsletters, especially if you have a bigger social media presence than your current email list. You can share your signup form in your social media posts and across your different platforms to encourage more customers to take advantage of the benefits of your email marketing.

Additionally, you can include calls to action in your email marketing efforts to encourage customers to follow your brand on social media. These two channels interact heavily with one another, and each can be used to promote the other – driving success across different marketing channels.

4. Create Emails That Work on a Mobile Device

If your content isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you lose a significant percentage of your audience due to poor usability. Nearly 1.7 billion people check emails using a mobile device compared to 0.9 billion who check emails using a desktop device. This means mobile devices have the greatest potential to convert interested users into customers.

While optimizing emails for mobile devices is vital to making your campaigns more effective, many marketing teams don’t take the time to consider the appearance of email campaigns on mobile devices, leading to unsuitable templates and unsuccessful campaigns.

One of the most common examples being unlinked pictures or buttons taking the customer to an external page. This prevents the customer from navigating to your website with ease. However, if the email does not fit within the screen of all mobile devices, the customer can no longer see the products. Making the campaign unsuccessful.

Mobile marketing is especially important considering how many people purchase products through mobile devices. One study found that, after viewing a marketing email, nearly 50% of customers purchased a product through a mobile website, compared to 35% who purchased on a computer. If you haven’t tapped into your mobile potential yet, now’s the time to get started!

5. Use Automated Emails

Automated or trigger-based emails are essential to a successful email marketing campaign. Sending automated emails is crucial at different stages of the customer journey. For instance, sending an automated welcome email to customers who sign up for your newsletter as soon as they become subscribers can help foster a relationship between the customer and your brand.

Other points where you should send automated emails include after the customer purchases an item. Purchases can be followed up with a thank you email and a transactional email detailing the order confirmation alongside additional information.

Automated emails like welcome emails are especially important. Especially considering 74% of customers anticipate receiving a welcome email when subscribing to your mailing list. Additionally, welcome emails receive 4 times more reads and 5 times more clicks than other email campaign efforts. Generating up to 320% more income per individual email than other messages.

When customers sign up for your newsletter, sending an automated email can lead to customer loyalty and conversion.

Optimize Your Marketing With Synergetic Media

From branding, design, web and print services, Synergetic Media has the resources to enhance your marketing efforts and ensure long-term success. Synergetic Media believes in creative solutions necessary to thrive in your email marketing efforts beyond these email marketing tips.

Contact Synergetic Media today to learn how we can help boost your marketing campaigns!

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